Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Writing Is Hard work

Writing is hard work. I probably do not have the best system in the world when it comes to my writing. Maybe that is why it is so hard. I have to develop characters. To me by the time their story is done they are real living breathing people. Sometimes I even miss them when the are no longer begging for my attention.
I also have a tendency to get ahead of myself. I try to write as things come to me, that way I do not forget them. Then if there is a problem I fix it later. Well sometimes that works out well. Other times when I am busy with something else my characters will decide that it is time to be active. The story will play out in my mind like I am watching a movie. I will try to remember as much as I can but it is hard to rewind what's already happened. So now the story in my head is way ahead as the story in paper and I am left trying to catch up to myself. I don't know maybe I am just crazy. Maybe I just need a new system. BUT WHAT EVER IT IS...Writing is hard work. BUT I love it and would rather be writing than any other job in the world.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Perfect Word

I hate when you are on a roll. The words seem to be flying across the page. Then all of a sudden you can't find the word you are looking for. You can think of the meaning, words close to it, yet not the one word that you are looking for. So then you change the wording to fit someting else into its place. Then as you a laying in bed almost asleep that one word you spent half the day looking for pops into your head. Do you just leave it be or do you get up turn your computer on and change it. Sometimes it happens while you are having a conversation with some one. Have you ever called your friend up in the middle of the night just to say, "Hey, I remembered the word i was looking for."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I have writers Blog

It is not I have a writers Blog. I did not forget the A.  This was supposed to be a play on words.  Like I have writers block only, blog I thought it was funny but I guess not so much. Oh well live to try another day. When I try to be funny it never works out like I planned. I am however always unintentionally funny.  Thats why people love me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spelling and Grammer

It has been brought to my attention that I my spelling and grammer are not quite up to par. I am sorry for that. That is what is great about spell check. Without it I am lost. I know how to spin a tale but I am in need of constant of editing. I will however try to be more careful in the future.

My First

This is my first ever blog. Im not really sure is I will do it right but here goes nothing.

Im working on my first ever book. It is coming along well I think. My editor Carol has been a great help. I can't wait for you all to read about Stephen and Sabrina. They have become real people to me. I hope that once you all get to read their story that you will love them as much as i do. I hope to have it done before the end of this month. It is slow going, so bare with me. When it is done it will be availabe for download on Smashwords.com. Hopefully it will also be available on Nooks and Kindles, Matbe even ipads.
Well that is all i have for now, but stick with me it will get better. I hope any way!