Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Writing Is Hard work

Writing is hard work. I probably do not have the best system in the world when it comes to my writing. Maybe that is why it is so hard. I have to develop characters. To me by the time their story is done they are real living breathing people. Sometimes I even miss them when the are no longer begging for my attention.
I also have a tendency to get ahead of myself. I try to write as things come to me, that way I do not forget them. Then if there is a problem I fix it later. Well sometimes that works out well. Other times when I am busy with something else my characters will decide that it is time to be active. The story will play out in my mind like I am watching a movie. I will try to remember as much as I can but it is hard to rewind what's already happened. So now the story in my head is way ahead as the story in paper and I am left trying to catch up to myself. I don't know maybe I am just crazy. Maybe I just need a new system. BUT WHAT EVER IT IS...Writing is hard work. BUT I love it and would rather be writing than any other job in the world.

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